Article main:. Religion in Cambodia.
Cambodia is predominantly. Buddhist. with ninety% of the population being. Theravāda Buddhist. , the first% Christian and the majority of the remaining population follow. Islam. ,. Atheism. , or. Animism. .
Buddhism has Existed in Cambodia since at least the 5th Century CE. Theravāda. Buddhism has been the Cambodian State Religion since the 13th Century CE (Excepting the Khmer Rouge period), and is currently estimated to be the Faith of 90th% of the population. [. three. ].
Islam. is the Religion of a majority of the. Cham. (also called. Khmer Islam. ) and. Malay. Minorities in.Cambodia. . According to. Po Dharma. , there were one hundred and fifty thousand to 200 000. Muslims. in Cambodia as late as 1,975. Persecution under the. Khmer Rouge. eroded their numbers, however, and by the late 1980s they probably had not regained their strength Former. All of the Cham Muslims are. Sunnis.of the. Shafi'i. School. Po Dharma divides the Muslim Cham in Cambodia into a traditionalist branch and an orthodox branch.
Christianity. was Introduced into Cambodia by Roman Catholic missionaries in 1660. However, it made little headway at first, particularly among Buddhists. There were probably about 20 thousand christians in 1,972th in Cambodia, most of whom were. Roman Catholics. . According to. Vatican. statistics, in 1 953, members of the Roman Catholic Church in Cambodia Numbered 120 000, making it, at that time, the second Largest Religion in the Country. In April 1970, just before repatriation, estimates indicate that about 50,000 Catholics were Vietnamese. Many of the Catholics remaining in Cambodia in 1972 were Europeans-chiefly French. American Protestant missionary activity increased in Cambodia, especially among some of the hill tribes and among the Cham, after the establishment of the Khmer Republic. The 1962nd census, which Reported 2 thousand. Protestants. in Cambodia, the most Recent Remains statistic for the Group. Observers reported that in 1980 there were more registered Khmer Christians among the refugees in camps in Thailand than in all of Cambodia before 1970.Kiernan notes that, until June 1 980, Five Weekly Protestant Services were held in Phnom Penh by a Khmer Pastor, but that they had been reduced to a single Weekly Service after police Harassment. [. the second. ]. There are around 20,000 Catholics in Cambodia which Represents only. 0.15% of the total population. There are no Dioceses, but there are Three Territorial jurisdictions - one. Apostolic Vicariate. and Two.Apostolic prefectures. .
Highland tribal groups, most with their own local religious systems, probably number fewer than 100,000 persons. The. Khmer Loeu. have been described as Loosely. Animists. , but most have their own Pantheon of Local Groups Tribal Spirits. In general they see their world filled with various invisible spirits (often called yang), some benevolent, others malevolent. They associate spirits with rice, soil, water, fire, stones, paths, and so forth. Sorcerers or specialists in each village contact these spirits and prescribe ways to appease them. In times of crisis or change, animal sacrifices may be made to placate the anger of the spirits. Illness is often believed to be caused by evil spirits or sorcerers.Some tribes have special or Medicine Men. shamans. who treat the sick. In addition to belief in spirits, villagers believe in taboos on many objects or practices. Loeu among the Khmer, the. Rhade. and. Jarai. Groups have a Well-developed hierarchy of Spirits with a RULER at its Supreme Head. [. two. ].
[. Edit. ].Ways of Life.
[. Edit. ].Birth and death rituals.
The birth of a child is a happy event for the family. According to traditional beliefs, however, confinement and childbirth expose the family, and especially the mother and the child to harm from the spirit world. A woman who dies in childbirth-crosses the river (chhlong tonle) in Khmer is believed to become an evil spirit. In traditional Khmer society, a pregnant woman respects a number of food taboos and avoids certain situations. Traditions remain in these Practice in Rural Cambodia, but they have become weakened in Urban areas. [. fourth. ].
Death is not viewed with the great outpouring of grief common to Western society; it is viewed as the end of one life and as the beginning of another life that one hopes will be better. Buddhist Khmer usually are cremated, and their ashes are deposited in a stupa in the temple compound. A corpse is washed, dressed, and placed in a coffin, which may be decorated with flowers and with a photograph of the deceased. White pennant-shaped flags, called "white crocodile flags," outside a house indicate that someone in that household has died. A funeral procession consisting of an achar, Buddhist monks, members of the family, and other mourners accompanies the coffin to the crematorium. The spouse and the children show mourning by shaving their heads and by wearing white clothing. Relics such as teeth or pieces of Bone are prized by the Survivors, and they are often worn on Gold chains as amulets. [. the 4th. ]. If the child is always Ill, his or her parents can go and change the name of child.
[. Edit. ].Childhood and Adolescence.
Article main:. Childhood and Adolescence in Cambodia.
A Cambodian child may be nursed until he or she is between two and four years of age. Up to the age of three or four, the child is given considerable physical affection and freedom. Children around five years of age also may be expected to help look after younger siblings. Children's Games Emphasize socialization or skill rather than Winning and losing. [. 4. ].
Most children begin school when they are seven or eight. By the time they reach this age, they are familiar with the society's norms of politeness, obedience, and respect toward their elders and toward Buddhist monks. The father at this time begins his permanent retreat into a relatively remote, authoritarian role. By age ten, a girl is expected to help her mother in basic household tasks; a boy knows how to care for the family's livestock and can do farm work under the supervision of older males. Adolescent children usually play with members of the same sex. During his Teens, a Boy may become a temple servant and go on to serve a time as a Novice Monk, which is a great Honor for the parents. [. fourth. ].
In precommunist days, parents exerted complete authority over their children until the children were married, and the parents continued to maintain some control well into the marriage. Age difference is recognized with Strictly polite vocabulary and special generational Terms for "you". [. 4th. ].
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